





学 院


专 业


学 分


学 时





简 介

本课程通过欣赏、讲解、模拟、操练等教学过程,提升学生对同声传译的浓厚兴趣:1. 了解同传操作设备并掌握同传操作过程;2. 提高同传记忆能力;3. 掌握同传基本应对方法; 4. 能够做到同传初步入门。本课程是一门实践性很强的课程,特别强调学生的积极参与与实践。课堂教学要突出精讲多练与师生互动,使学生通过大量的操练掌握同声传译基本技巧。







设 计





About 96.8 percent of college graduates chose to rent apartments online this year.

Due to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, it has become increasingly difficult to view an apartment on site before signing the lease. Many real estate agencies have adopted virtual apartment viewing, enabling potential tenants to see the apartments online through pictures, virtual reality technology and videos.

Among the 1,974 college graduates surveyed, only 48.4 percent have tried on-site apartment viewing.










任务1:I will do everything I can as Prime Minister to steady the ship over the coming weeks and months, but I do not think it would be right for me to try to be the captain that steers our country to its next destination.

This is not a decision I have taken lightly, but I do believe it is in the national interest to have a period of stability and then the new leadership required.

There is no need for a precise timetable today, but in my view we should aim to have a new Prime Minister in place by the start of the Conservative party conference in October.

Delivering stability will be important and I will continue in post as Prime Minister with my Cabinet for the next 3 months.

The Cabinet will meet on Monday. The Governor of the Bank of England is making a statement about the steps that the Bank and the Treasury are taking to reassure financial markets.








Last year, for the first time, Chinese citizens made over 100 million visits abroad, making them the largest floating population in the world. There are also more than 20,000 Chinese enterprises establishing a presence abroad, and millions of our compatriots living and working in different parts of the world. The task and responsibility of protecting their rights is heavier than ever. We are always concerned with the safety and well-being of every one of our compatriots, and we will do everything in our power to protect and assist them.

The effort to protect and assist Chinese nationals overseas is always a work in progress; it is never a mission accomplished. Wherever there is Chinese footprint, consular service must step up and cover that place. We will continue to work hard to improve the value of Chinese passports, so that our compatriots can more directly feel the dignity of being a Chinese. We hope more and more of our compatriots can go abroad any time they wish, and they can have smooth, safe, and worry-free travels.







影子训练1:Bullying is an issue which can affect any one of us, regardless of age, background, gender, sexuality, race, disability or religion. It can happen for many reasons, it is often stupid and cruel, and can take many forms.

And the reach of technology means it can feel unrelenting(持续不断的), leaving the victim feeling attacked, powerless and isolated. For young people in particular, bullying can have a profoundly damaging and long-lasting effect.

Each year, more than 16,000 young people in the UK are absent from school due to bullying, harming their education and their long-term prospect.

To shatter their trust in relationships and faith in the world around them at such a young age can have a lasting impact on their mental health and state of mind.

But it is important that we recognize that bullying is not just confined to the playground or classroom, and it does not only affect children and young people. It exists all around us – in people’s homes, in their workplaces, and in their wider communities.


Today’s world is no longer divided into two major political, economic and military blocs with conflict and confrontation. A community of shared future and common interests is gradually taking place of the old world. Diversity of the development pattern is being explored. The international order and systems are gradually reforming and improving.

We don’t know how the first fire was made. Early fires on the earth were certainly caused by nature, not by man. Some were caused by lightning in a storm; others, perhaps by one hot material which came out of a volcano. Quite possibly, at times, the heat of the sun set light to some dry grass or leaves. At first, man, like other animals, was probably afraid of fire. He saw that fire could destroy a forest; he knew that fire could hurt his body. So great was the power of fire that he feared it and worshiped it. Gradually, however, with his better powers of thinking, he overcame his fear. Probably he overcame most of his fear when he discovered how to make fire for himself. Throughout the ages he has learned more about fire, how to control it, and how to use it in many ways. Now fire is no longer a master or a god, it is a servant. Again, at some early date, man found how fire could be used to make certain metals from rocks. Some time later, he found out how to make the metal which we now call bronze(青铜). This is a mixture of copper() and tin(). Bronze was a very useful metal. It was hard and tough, but he could shape it by hammering(锤打) (probably with heavy stones). He could make a tool with a sharp edge for cutting. It isn't so easy to get iron from its ore(矿石) and this metal was probably not discovered until very much later.

四、教学过程:1.英汉视译练习;2.复习影子训练要点;3.注意力分配主要内容:1)介绍Daneil GileEffort Model2注意力分配的目的;3注意力分配类型;4.源语跟读英文,同步正记录数字:Message on Anti-bullying Day5.源语跟读汉语短文,同步正记录数字,再用目的语概述跟读内容:戴秉国在美国战略与国际问题研究中心的演讲节。5.源语跟读英文,同步正记录数字,再用源语概述主要内容。






英汉视译:Welcome to Ealing(伊灵) College of Higher Education(ECHE). Today I will talk about student services at the college. All student services are to be found in the North Building. Social life and some of the welfare services are run by the Student Union, of which all students are automatically members. After enrolment, take your receipt to the Student Union and they will give you your student card. Your student card also entitles you to membership in the Student and Staff Club. The Student Union will give you a handbook which gives more details on all the services offered plus more information on the health service, accommodation and so on.

Let's talk about medical services first. ECHE has a student health center. The center is open from 9:30 a.m. to 8:45 p.m., Monday to Thursday and from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Fridays during term time. The college doctor, Dr. Kearns, holds a surgery(诊疗室) in the medical center four days a week: Monday and Tuesday mornings, Thursday afternoons and either Wednesday or Friday afternoons. Appointments for these surgeries are made through the nurses and are usually for the following day. Besides these times, Dr. Kearns can be found at her surgery which is located at No. 2 Ascott(雅诗阁) Avenue.




Hainan, where we gather today, is the second largest island in China. It was also an important link of Maritime Silk Road in ancient times and is China’s largest special economic zone at present. Hainan is endowed with plenty of natural harbors, boasts convenient transportation, enjoys preferential policies, and keeps good momentum in maritime tertiary industry, tropical agriculture and tourism. Hainan has also established the cooperative partnerships with most countries along the Maritime Silk Road and playing an important role in boosting the construction of 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and developing characteristic island economy based on its exceptional historic, regional and industrial advantages. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China will continue to support the opening up and development of Hainan, deepen communication and cooperation between Hainan and other island economies along the Belt and Road, achieve mutual development, and join hands to reveal the new chapter of the construction of 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.







Korean language studies are quickly growing in popularity across the United States. The Modern Language Association says the number of U.S. college students taking a Korean language class rose by almost 45% over the last few years.

The group notes that the increase comes at a time when the number of college students taking foreign language classes has declined. Many people around the world like the sound of K-pop, Korean popular music. Also, the children of Korean immigrants want to speak to their parents and grandparents in Korean. Professor Sung-Ock Sohn teaches Korean classes at UCLA(加州大学洛杉矶分校). She says another reason people want to learn the language is the growing economic power of South Korea.

Professor David Schaberg, Dean of Humanities at the University of California, says the popularity of Korean language training is also affecting American culture. He says it shows that American culture is becoming more Asian, or at least opening up to more Asian influences. Language researchers say the growing number of U.S. students taking Korean language classes shows no sign of ending anytime soon. Their reasons: the popularity of K-pop and the rising number of Korean-Americans seeking to re-connect with older family members.




Hand washing reduces the spread of germs from one person to the next. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(疾控中心), hand washing is one of the most important means of preventing the spread of infection. If you track when you wash your hands you may find it is not as often as you think. A recent survey found that 94% of Americans say that they always wash their hands after going to the bathroom but observations in public restrooms show that only 68% of adults did so.

Why should you wash? Germs are so small that you cannot see them. A few of them can cause serious and life-threatening diseases. Washing your hands correctly greatly reduces the chances of spreading germs. Disease-causing germs can enter your body when your unwashed hands touch your nose, mouth, and open wounds. Some of those germs may have changed to protect themselves against an antibiotic(抗生素), which is called antibiotic resistance(抗生素耐药性). While your health care providers have a professional responsibility to wash their hands, it is important that everyone make hand washing a personal priority.

How you wash your hands is important, especially when it comes to eliminating germs. Just washing them quickly is not enough. When you wash your hands: Use soap and warm, running water. Wash all surfaces thoroughly, including wrists, palms, back of hands, fingers and under the fingernails. Rub hands together for at least 10-15 seconds. When drying, use clean or disposable towel if possible, and pat your skin rather than rubbing. Apply hand lotion or cream after washing to soothe your skin and help prevent drying.




四、教学过程:1.英汉视译练习;2.复习“视译”要点;3.顺句驱动要点:“切分”和“连接”技巧;4.顺句驱动英汉视译练习:K-pop;5.顺句驱动英汉视译练习:hand washing






We already recognize / that we have similar interests / over wide areas. //


He has also developed a positive and constructive dialogue / with the NGO community. //


We are very grateful to you / for your efforts / to come all the way from China / to present this document to us. //


About 60,000 volunteers / have been given novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vaccines / developed in China / as part of phase-3 clinical trials, / with no severe side effects reported./

Four potential vaccines / have entered international phase-3 clinical trials / so far /, according to Tian Baoguo, / an official with the Ministry of Science and Technology, / at a news conference in Beijing. / All trials are progressing well, he said. /

According to Tian, / the most common adverse reactions(不良反应) / in the phase-3 trials / are mild pain / and swelling at the injection site, / followed by fever. /

Two inactivated vaccines(灭活疫苗) / developed by China National Biotec Group (中国生物技术集团公司, CNBG), / which is affiliated to Sinopharm(国药集团), / and the Wuhan Institute of Biological Products(武汉生物制品研究所) / have started phase-3 clinical trials / in 10 countries, / with more than 50,000 volunteers taking part. /

Sinovac Biotech(北京科兴生物), / another vaccine developer, / said its partners in Brazil, Indonesia and Turkey / have established monitoring systems / for adverse reactions / in accordance with internationally accepted standards. / So far, / no severe adverse reactions / have been reported. /







Traveling has been a long-held tradition in the Chinese culture. The Chinese have always believed that “he who excels reads as many as ten thousand books and travels as far as ten thousand miles.” In fact, many masterpieces of writing have been produced as a result of such travels. Xu Xiake, a famous Chinese scholar who lived back in the late 16th to I7th century, “traveled far across the country, reaching places that had never been reached before.” His book, Xu Xiake’s Travel Notes, tells about his 30 years of travel experience over four hundred years ago. The book is a geographic classic that gives a comprehensive account of the natural environment, and is also a huge travel guide to the natural landscape in China. Its influence, far and wide as it is, is still being felt today. The nineteenth of May, the date that Xu Xiake’s Travel Notes began with, has now become China’s Tourism Day.







To overcome an economic crisis / that touches every corner of the world, / we have to ensure / the cooperation and coordination / between G20 nations. /


The two nations / reached a bilateral trade agreement / on Nov. 11. /


Globalization has also brought / many policy challenges. /


We can hardly / agree to the terms of this contract / without review by our legal team. /


Surgeons(外科医生) in Spain / have successfully carried out / the world’s first organ transplant / using new stem cell(干细胞) technology. /

But what are stem cells? / Most cells in our bodies / are designed to serve specific purposes / – for example, / a liver cell / develops to work in the liver / and cannot become a heart cell. / But stem cells are different. / In the laboratory / scientists can grow them / into different types of cell. / Currently, / transplant patients / have to take drugs / for the rest of their lives / to prevent their bodies / rejecting the new organs. / These drugs / can have bad side-effects, / and do not always prevent rejection. / But by using Ms. Castillo’s own cells, / doctors were able to trick her body / into thinking the new part / was her own organ. / Five months on, / Claudia Castillo is in perfect health. / This ground-breaking procedure / could be used in other transplant operations / in the future. / Scientists also believe / stem cells might be used to treat / Parkinson’s disease(帕金森病), / Alzheimer’s disease(老年痴呆症), / heart disease, / stroke, / and burns. /

However, / stem cell research / is extremely controversial. / The most effective stem cells / do not come from adults / but from embryos(胚胎) / created in laboratories. /Many people have religious or ethical objections / to growing embryos, / even if they can be used to cure diseases. /










He is a diplomat. //


My delegation / has already stated / its position on this matter. //


If I had known it, / I would not have come here. //


After they had entered the building, / they went straight into the conference room. //


As the weather was fine, / we decided to / hold the reception in open air. //


These countries / cover vast territories, / encompass a large population / and abound in natural resources. //


The Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon(雅鲁藏布大峡谷) / in Tibet Autonomous Region / in southwest China, / the world’s deepest canyon / with a maximum depth of 6,009 meters, / was given 5A-level tourist attraction rating. /

The canyon was rated / as a 4A-level national tourist attraction / in 2010. / The scenic area received / 456,000 tourists / in 2019, / generating revenue of / nearly 100 million yuan. /

In 2015, / Tibet Tourism Co. Ltd. / invested 329 million yuan / and worked with the county government / to upgrade the scenic area, / adding new tourist facilities, / including cliff swings, / as well as more recreational programs / such as hot spring bath / and hot air balloon ride. /

The company said / it would step up ropeway(索道) construction, / capital investment / and smart management of the scenic area. /

Tibet currently has / five 5A-level tourist attractions. / The other four are / the Potala Palace, / the Jokhang Temple(大昭寺), / the Tashi Lhunpo Monastery(扎什伦布寺) / and Basum Lake(巴松措). /








111日起,/进口冷冻肉类imported frozen meat和水产品aquatic products/的制造商和销售商/必需在该平台注册,/并将产品来源、/流通circulations/以及其他追溯数据tracing data/上传至平台。/这些产品/必须贴上/对应的追溯码tracing codes ,/这些追溯码/由平台产生。/食品公司/不得采购、/销售/或加工/未在平台录入信息的产品。/


北京市市场监督管理局 the municipal administration for market regulation/和北京市商务局 the municipal commerce bureau/将会加强监督与检查,/并拓展该平台的产品覆盖面。/

Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. Welcome to today’s meeting. I’d like to brief you about cold-chain tracing.

On October 27, the Beijing Municipality / has launched an online tracing platform / to strengthen the supervision of imported cold-chain foods / amid the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. /

From November 1, producers and marketers / of imported frozen meat and aquatic products / are required to register on the platform /, upload information / on the sources, circulations and other tracing data / on the platform./ Products should be labeled / with corresponding tracing codes / generated by the platform. / Food companies should not / purchase, sell or process products / without recording their tracing data on the platform. /

Customers can use the WeChat or Alipay mini programs / on their phones / to scan the tracing codes / on product packages / or freezers in markets / to obtain the quality safety information / and tracing data / for the imported frozen meat and aquatic products / they want to buy. /

Government departments in Beijing / will step up supervision and inspection efforts / and expand product coverage / on the tracing platform. /







One of the biggest triggers for emotional eating(情绪化进食) / is anger. / Eating when we’re angry, / frustrated, / irritated, / feeling like we’ve been treated unfairly / – we may call it different names, / but these words usually boil down to(归结为) / feeling angry. / Anger, / makes many people /– especially women – / uncomfortable. /

Many of us / go to great lengths to / avoid expressing our anger directly. / Even when we’ve learned to / face the conflicts and the sticky(棘手的) situations head-on / in professional settings, / we may still shy away / from addressing our anger / in our personal lives. / Literally, / many people swallow it. / Many women / who feel strong and competent / in other areas of their lives, / feel so uncomfortable with anger and frustration / that they turn to food / to avoid it, / change it, / bury it, / or sometimes even turn the anger / on themselves. /

Taking control of emotional eating / isn’t just about food. / It’s about taking on challenging issues / and learning to cope with them / differently and directly. / That’s one of the reasons / that taking charge of emotional eating / is so empowering. / Taking charge of emotional eating / transforms you. / If we can’t face the conflicts head-on / and if we don’t have the tools / to deal with anger / in an effective manner / that reflects our best selves, / we’re not fully in the game. / It’s not about / choosing different foods to eat; / it’s about learning the tools and strategies / that help you move beyond emotional eating and dieting. /










The Three Gorges project, / which manages the Yangtze River’s water flow, / has been officially certified as complete and fully functioning, /the authorities announced on November 1. /

The Ministry of Water Resources / and the National Development and Reform Commission / officially announced full completion of the construction, / saying it has met all design requirements, / has a good overall performance, / and fulfills the key roles of flood control, / electricity generation, / shipping / and water-resource utilization. /

The Three Gorges project, / which began construction in 1994, / is a multi-functional water-control system, / consisting of a high dam / and 34 turbo-generators / with a combined power generating capacity of 22.5 million kilowatts. /

The project / has played a key role / in flood control along the Yangtze River Basin. / Since it first began operation / until August this year, / the dam held back / 180 billion cubic meters of water / during flood seasons. /

It has also reduced flood peaks / by about 40 percent, / greatly easing flood-control pressure / in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze. /

This has been particularly important / along the Jingjiang River, / a section of the Yangtze / that saw severe flooding in the past. /







In April, 2014, / the Food and Drug Administration(FDA/美国食品药品监督管理局) issued a document in the Federal Register(联邦公报), / which would regulate electronic cigarettes(电子烟) nationally / as a tobacco product, / including age restrictions / similar to those for conventional cigarettes. / The proposed rule will be enforceable / once it is finalized. /

Originally, / e-cigarettes were designed / as an aid to quit smoking conventional cigarettes. / Nicotine(尼古丁) is a highly addictive substance, / and is present in most e-cigarettes. / E-cigarettes also contain cancer-causing substances. / Are they effective in helping people quit smoking? / Until large, controlled trials are conducted, / no one will know for sure. / We do know that / e-cigarette manufacturers have been very clever / in marketing to middle and high school students / with colorful packaging, / fun flavors / and cool accessories. / Some researches warn that / e-cigarettes are a gateway device / for nicotine addiction among youth. / In a study of nearly 40,000 youths around the US, / the authors concluded that, / “Use of e-cigarettes does not discourage, / and may encourage, / conventional cigarette use among US adolescents.” / Dr. Janie Heath, / an expert on the effects of tobacco on smokers, / offers this insight into the problem: / “When we look at 95 percent of individuals / that smoke cigarettes, / they all started before the age 21. / Dr. Heath also warns that / “It’s harder to help individuals quit smoking / than to get them off crack cocaine(强效可卡因), heroin or any of the other drugs.” /







The people at the entrance of Chengdu Second People’s Hospital are distinctly different: on one side, there are young people pulling up health codes, and on the other side, there are elderly people waiting in line for staff assistance. At the ground station, 55-year-old Li Jun watched the operation of other people in the automatic ticket machine several times, but still can not buy, so he had no choice but to go to the manual ticket office. In the market, the 72-year-old grandfather Li squinted with his cell phone to open the WeChat payment page, for some reason has been unsuccessful, and finally pulled out the cash. In the visit, the reporter found that although some public places have increased the guidance and assistance to the elderly and retained the original offline processing channels, it is still far from enough.

The most typical problem is that even though public places provide offline business for the elderly and respect their habits, they are still unable to enjoy the convenience brought by intelligence. If seniors want to enjoy the convenience of digital life, they must actively embrace the Smart Age. In fact, many seniors are aware of this and are actively learning to use smartphones, but it's not easy due to various factors such as education background and lifestyle. In the survey, reporters found that 70 years old is an important age watershed. 70 years old or younger, almost all of them use smartphones. Especially the 50-60 year olds who have just left the labor market, they are more energetic and have a stronger desire for knowledge. After learning, some less complex operations, such as online shopping, payment, etc. are basically no problem, but involving information registration, facial recognition and many other complex procedures, are often done by children. Nearly half of the people over the age of 70 still use the so-called elderly machine. According to the data, at the end of 2019, China’s elderly population aged 60 and above will reach 254 million, accounting for 18.1% of the total population. For the elderly, the world is going from familiar to unfamiliar. Time does not wait for the elderly, but we can wait. Only if we give the elderly enough patience and care, the next generation will follow our example and treat us well.


