教学案例设计(1) 一、教学内容:授课安排和考核要求;商务口译的基本特点和原则 二、育人元素:熟悉国际话语体系,传播中国声音,提升职业使命感 三、翻译案例(原文及译文): 案例1 原文:“你能任性,我有韧性”。 译文1:You are self-willed; we are iron-willed. 译文2:When you go capricious, we go tenacious. 案例2 How Elon Mask Started 原文:born to engineer father and model mother; drifts off as deaf (he was not); runs out of books to read at library, reads entire Encyclopedia Britannica; works odd jobs, stays with relatives; gets Canadian citizenship through mother to eventually move to the US; cold calls execs he reads about in the news asking to meet for lunch; top exec of bank responds and offers an internship; shows genius in banking but gets chewed out for using the exec coffee machine; leaves Stanford PhD after 2 days; starts Zip2 with brother, coding it himself; raises first investment money($3m). 译文: 父亲是工程师,母亲是模特;像聋哑人一样走路缓慢;读完了图书馆的书,开始阅读整套《大不列颠百科全书》;当临时工,和亲戚住在一起;通过母亲成为加拿大公民,最后移民美国;在报纸上看到主管的联系方式,邀请他一起吃午饭;获得银行高官的回复,在银行实习;在银行业务中表现突出,但是用了主管的咖啡机被责骂;在斯坦福读了两天博士然后离开了;1995年和弟弟一起创办Zip2公司,自己写代码;拿到第一笔融资(300万美元)。 教学过程:
About Interpreting (quality standards; qualifications for interpreters) About Business Interpreting(categories of interpreting; textbook; teaching syllabus; course grading and final examination format) Practice (retour interpreting) Review
五、教学总结:在教学中,应注重启发学生,展开不同译本的优劣探讨,可通过回译的方式提高汉英翻译水平。 教学案例设计(2) 一、教学内容:商务访问常见表达及口译技巧;知名公司背景常识 二、育人元素:提高对外交流和国际传播意识 三、翻译案例(原文及译文): 单句口译案例原文及译文 Founded in 1837, Procter & Gamble is one of the largest consumer products companies in the world. 宝洁公司始创于1837年,是世界上最大的日用消费品公司之一。
We operate more than 7,000 stores in 20 countries and serve more than 239 million customers around the globe each week. 我们在20个国家设有7000多家门店,每周为全球2亿3900多万名消费者提供服务。
在“安心、参与、信任、共生”的理念下,未来我们公司将致力于搭建一个幸福的平台。 Guided by the philosophy of “peace of mind, participation, trust, and coexistence”, our company will devote itself to building a platform of happiness in the future.
华为把“开放、合作、共赢”作为企业发展的重要基石,致力于为全联接的信息社会打造良性生态系统。 Huawei views openness, collaboration, and shared success as important cornerstones that support its development, and is committed to establishing a sound ecosystem for a fully-connected information society.
篇章口译案例原文及译文 阿里巴巴集团的使命是让天下没有难做的生意。 我们旨在助力企业,帮助其变革营销、销售和经营的方式,提升其效率。我们为商家、品牌及其他企业提供技术基础设施以及营销平台,帮助其借助新技术的力量与用户和客户进行互动,并更高效地进行经营。 我们的业务包括核心商业、云计算、数字媒体及娱乐以及创新业务。除此之外, 我们的非并表关联方蚂蚁集团为我们平台上的消费者和商家提供支付服务和金融服务。围绕着我们的平台与业务,一个涵盖了消费者、商家、品牌、零售商、第三方服务提供商、战略合作伙伴及其他企业的生态系统已经建立。 2021财年,阿里巴巴生态体系的商品交易额(GMV)为人民币8.119万亿元,主要包括中国零售市场GMV,以及跨境及全球零售市场和本地生活服务GMV。截至2021年12月31日止12个月期间,阿里巴巴生态体系全球年度活跃消费者达到约12.80亿,其中9.79亿消费者来自中国市。约3.01亿消费者来自海外。 ALIBABA GROUP’S MISSION IS TO MAKE IT EASY TO DO BUSINESS ANYWHERE. We enable businesses to transform the way they market, sell and operate and improve their efficiencies. We provide the technology infrastructure and marketing reach to help merchants, brands and other businesses to leverage the power of new technology to engage with their users and customers and operate in a more efficient way. Our businesses are comprised of core commerce, cloud computing, digital media and entertainment, and innovation initiatives. In addition, Ant Group, an unconsolidated related party, provides payment services and offers financial services for consumers and merchants on our platforms. An ecosystem has developed around our platforms and businesses that consists of consumers, merchants, brands, retailers, third-party service providers, strategic alliance partners and other businesses. GMV transacted in the Alibaba Ecosystem was RMB8,119 billion for fiscal year 2021, which mainly included GMV transacted through our China retail marketplaces, as well as GMV transacted through our international retail marketplaces and local consumer services. Annual active consumers of the Alibaba Ecosystem across the world reached approximately 1.28 billion for the 12 months ended December 31, 2021. This includes 979 million consumers in China and 301 million consumers overseas.
Warm-up (news recapping) Preparation for interpreting business visits (Background information about the organization to be visited; Schedule;Words and phrases; Names of Departments; Job Titles Practice Review and homework
五、教学总结:加强学生课前自学,课后反思,促进知识和技能内化。 教学案例设计(3) 一、教学内容:礼仪祝词常见表达及口译技巧 二、育人元素:通过口译礼仪致辞,增强对外交流意识和跨文化交际能力,树立译者意识,做好译前准备。 三、翻译案例(原文及译文): 原文 尊敬的Johnson先生: 首先,我代表本公司,对您此次的考察活动取得圆满成功表示热烈的:!贵公司是业内知名的世界级企业,我们很高兴能有这个机会与您合作。我们将一如既往地加强生产管理,保证产品质量,优先满足贵公司的订单,按时按质按量地完成生产计划,不断深化我们之间的合作。明天,您就要离开浙江,踏上回国的行程了。在即将分别的时刻,我们的心情依依不舍,大家相处的时间是短暂的,但我们之间的友好情谊是长久的。中国有句古话讲得好,“海内存知己;天涯若比邻”,我们期待您在方便的时候再次来浙江做客,相信我们之间的合作会日益加强!最后,祝Johnson先生一路顺风,万事如意! 译文 Dear Mr. Johnson, First of all, on behalf of the company, I congratulate you on your successful business trip.Your company is a world-class business. We are much honored to be your partner. We will sustain our rigorous management to ensure the quality of our products. To enhance our cooperation, we will prioritize your order and deliver the products in accordance with the terms for time of delivery, quality and quantity.Tomorrow you will leave Zhejiang province and heading back home. At this moment, we are so unwilling de depart. We cherish this limited time with you. But our friendship will be ever-lasting.As a Chinese saying goes, “a bosom friend from afar brings a distant land near”. We are looking forward to your next visit to Zhejiang. We believe our partnership will continue to strengthen in the future.Now, I wish Mr. Johnson a smooth journey and all the best of luck in the future. 教学过程:
Warm-up (news recapping) Preparation for interpreting ceremonial addresses (Different Ceremonies
; Ceremonial Occasions; Various Visits) Practice Review and homework
五、教学总结:选择更贴近现实和本土特色的练习语料,结合实际场景,提高学生的练习积极性 教学案例设计(4) 一、教学内容:外贸包装谈判的常用表达及口译技巧;译员角色 二、育人元素:培养学生的职业素养和译员意识,以促进商务活动和国际交流为目标 三、翻译案例(原文及译文): 原文 M: Mr. Liu, shall we discuss the packaging now? L:好的。因为这是您第一次向我方购买产品,我很乐意听一下您对产品包装的意见。 M: Your products should be competitive not just in price and quality, but in packaging as well. I like the packaging which is novel and attractive. Could you tell me your usual way of packaging your garments when you export them? L:为了国际市场竞争,我们一直在不断改进包装方法。我们最近的方法是把每一件服装先装在一个透明塑料袋中,然后装进一个设计精美的纸盒子里,这种纸盒的装潢设计有我们独特的风格。我方其他国家的客户反映这种新包装在市场上竞争力很强。对于您想订购的女衬衫,我们将每一件衣服以聚乙烯纸来包装,这样可以直接用于橱窗展示。 M: That’s good. A wrapping that catches the eye will certainly help push the sale To get an over our competitors, we have to make sure the merchandise is not only of good value but also looks attractive. L:您说的对极了。我们会注意使女衬衫既美观又廉价。 M: I’m glad to hear that. Can I have a look at a packaging model? L:非常遗憾,我手头没有样品。不过您可以看看这本商品目录中的包装装潢插图。 M: Not bad. They are really beautifully designed. But perhaps I should say that your packaging lacks a sense of expensiveness. And I think the color of your packaging really should be more eye-catching. My opinion is that the packaging should give the buyer an idea of what is packed inside L:好主意,我将转告我们的设计师并让他们改进。 M: Then what about the packing for transport? L:外包装,我们通常用瓦楞纸板箱,是标准的出口纸板箱10打装一个纸箱,每箱毛重20千克。 M: I'm afraid the cardboard boxes are not strong enough for such a heavy load. Could you use something stronger for the packing, say, wooden cases? L:如果您更喜欢木箱,我们可以照您的要求办,但木箱比纸箱重得多,您可能知道,海运是以重量而不是以尺寸来计费的。也就是说,用木箱会让您花费更高。事实上,我们已经改进了纸箱。新的纸箱非常结实,足以承受运输中的野蛮装卸。纸板箱相对来说较轻,容易搬运。不会和其他重货堆置在一起。 M: Maybe you are right, but the goods are to be transshipped at Chicago or New York. If the boxes are moved about on an open wharf, the dampness or rain may get into them. That would make the blouses spotted or even ruin them L: 不必为此担心。内衬塑料布的纸板箱是防水的,而且因为纸箱板是由纸板做成的,人们搬运的时候会小心的。 M: I don’t want to take any chance. Besides, cartons are easy to cut open, and this increases the risk of pilferage L:如果有人想动纸板箱会很容易被发现的,应该说这倒反而减少了偷窃的可能性。 M: Maybe so, but I'm afraid that in case of damage or pilferage, the insurance company will refuse compensation on the ground of improper packaging, or packaging unsuitable for sea voyage. L:但是,纸板箱是完全适合海运的。我们的货物运到各大港口时都广泛地使用纸箱板。我们的客户从未提出过抱怨,而且我保险公司承包水渍险和偷窃提货不着险时,也同意使用这种包装。 M: If you could guarantee compensation in case the insurance company refuses to honor a claim for faulty packaging, we would be quite willing to accept cartons L: 很抱歉,我们不能承担任何超出我们职权之外的责任。我们可以保证我们的包装是适合海运的,但我们不会为任何意外事故承担责任。 M: I can understand your position. Perhaps I'm asking too much. L:如果你们坚持的话,我们也可以用木箱,但这种包装费用会高得多,而且交货也会慢一些。 M: Can I get hack to you on this later? I’ll phone our head office for the final confirmation on the matter. L:好吧,我会等待你们的答复。
译文 M:刘先生,我们现在谈谈包装吧? L: Sure. Since this is the first time you purchase from us. I’d like to listen to your opinion about packaging for the products. M:你方产品不仅在价格上、质量上富有竞争力,在包装上也需要有竞争力。我喜欢新颖美观的包装。您能告诉我贵方在出口服装时通常是怎样包装的吗? L: Actually we keep making improvements in our method of packaging in order to meet the needs of keen competition in the world market. Our packaging now is wrapping each garment in a transparent plastic bag first and then packing it in a small box which is exquisitely designed. The design of packaging has our own style. Our clients from other countries respond that the packaging is very competitive in their markets. As to the blouses you would like to order, we use a polythene wrapper for each article, all ready for window display. M:好。精美的包装肯定有助于推销。为了超过竞争对手,我们必须使商品不仅要货真价实,还要能吸引人。 L: You have got a point here. We’ll see to it that the blouses appeal to the eye as well as to the purse. M:您这样说我非常高兴。能让我看一下包装样品吗? L:Very sorry. I don’t have a model at hand. But you may look at the pictures of some packaging models in this catalogue. M:不错,设计的确很漂亮。但是,或许我该说你们的包装缺少一种高贵感,而且包装的设计颜色应当更吸引眼球。我的意见是包装应当使买方清楚里面包的是什么。 L: That’s really a good idea. I’ll pass it onto our designers and ask them to improve it. M:那么运输包装呢? L:For the outer packaging, we usually use corrugated cardboard boxes. They are standard export cartons. We’ll pack them 10 dozen to one carton, gross weight around 20 kilos a carton. M:我怕纸箱不够结实。你们能用更结实的外包装,比如木箱? L: If you prefer wooden cases, we shall do as you request. But a wooden case is much heavier than a carton, and you may be aware that the ocean freight is by weight but not by size. That is to say, using a wooden case will cost you more. As a matter of fact, we have improved our cartons. Our new cartons are strong enough to stand even rough handling in transit. The cartons are comparatively light and therefore easy to handle. They won’t be stowed away with the heavy cargo. M:也许你是对的,但这些货物要在芝加哥或组约转船。如果纸板箱在码头上搬来搬去,湿气或雨水有可能进入箱内。那会使女衬衫出现斑点或受损。 L: No need to worry about that. The cartons lined with plastic sheets are water proof, and as the boxes are made of cardboard, they will be handled with care. M:我可不希望冒险。另外,纸板箱容易打开,这会增加被盗的危险。 L:Tampering with cartons is easily detected. I should say that this rather discourages pilfering. M: 可能是吧。不过我担心一旦发生受损或盗伤,保险公司会以包装不当或不适合海运为由而拒绝赔偿。 L: But in fact, cartons are quite seaworthy. They are extensively used in our shipments to continental ports. Never are there any complains from our clients, and such packaging has also been approved by our insurance company for W.P.A and T.P.N.D. M: 如果保险公司因包装不当拒绝理赔而你们又能担保提供赔偿的话,我们愿意接受纸板箱包装。。 L: I’m sorry, but we accept no responsibility for matters that are beyond our functions and powers. We’ll make sure that the packaging is seaworthy, but we can’t commit ourselves to being responsible for every kind of mishap. M: 可以理解,也许我要求太多了。 L: We’ll use wooden cases if you insist, but the charge for packaging will be considerably higher, and it also slows down delivery. M: 等一会再谈这件事情,好吗?我会打电话给总部,以最终确认此事。 L: Please do. I’ll be waiting for your reply. 教学过程:
Warm-up (news recapping) Preparation for interpreting business negotiations (Various Types of Business Negotiations; Words and Phrases) Practice Review and homework
六、教学总结:帮助学生总结概括国际贸易谈判的常用术语,提醒学生译员应承担的沟通桥梁角色和相应责任。 教学案例设计(5) 一、教学内容:商务会议发言汇报的口译练习 二、育人元素:通过“如何推介经营方案”的练习,帮助学生了解如何在商务会议上更好地呈现和表达,从而提升综合能力素质 三、翻译案例(原文及译文): 原文 Hi, I'm Faysal Sohail, General Partner CMEA Capital and Chairman of Altair Group. As an entrepreneur I built three successful technology companies in Silicon Valley. Now as a venture capitalist I look for the brightest entrepreneurs with the best ideas to build new enterprises. Investors like me receive thousands of pitches every year. When you pitch, it is critical that your passion and idea grab our attention right away. No two pitches will be alike, but there are some basic points that can help you succeed. Get an introduction to the investor from someone they trust. A strong recommendation will create a positive impression. If you don't have a direct connection, don't worry. It is just as critical to know your investors' background in terms of industries, sectors, and stage of companies they invest. Search the Internet and social media for their interests, and look for any articles and books they may have written. Once you start the pitch, be yourself and remain confident. If you're genuine and passionate, you can create a personal connection, and this is more important than any facts or figures you bring. Remember, less is more, and get to the point quickly. It is essential to describe your business in a few sentences. If you have slides, use as few as possible, with more images than words. My favorite pitch was an entrepreneur who started with a wonderful story about his passion and why he wanted to build his company. I was immediately hooked on his vision. Once you have described your concept, you need to explain how you will make money. Why will the business model work? What examples in the market have had similar success? You will also have to explain how the investor can monetize their investment. Finally, make sure to leave time at the end for questions and comments. Ask the investor what they thought of the idea and accept any criticisms or critiques. Don't leave without creating the opportunity to follow up. You can ask the investor what else you should send them, or you can suggest calling them the following week to catch up. Creating the right pitch can be tricky, but if you're composed and clear in your vision, investors can be confident of success. Remember, the investor is investing in you as much as your idea. 译文 大家好。我是费萨尔·苏海尔,CMEA资本公司的普通合伙人,也是牵牛星集团董事长。作为一名企业家,我在硅谷建立了三家成功的技术公司。作为风险资本家,我需要寻找拥有最佳创意的最聪明的企业家,帮助他们建立新企业。像我这样的投资人每年收到上千份经营方案。你提出经营方案时,关键的问题是,你的热情和设想必须立刻吸引我们的注意力。经营方案各有不同,但以下这些基本要点能帮助你们成功。首先,找投资方信赖的人给予引荐。有力的引荐将能留下良好的印象。如果你没有直接的关系,别担心。同样重要的一点是,要了解投资人的背景,诸如他投资的行业、部门和公司的阶段。你还可以搜索因特网和社交媒体,了解他们的兴趣,寻找他们可能撰写的任何文章和书籍。此外,一旦你推出自己的方案,就需要心态平和、保持自信。你如果很真诚,有热情,就能够建立起人脉关系,这比你陈述的事实和数据更为重要。其次,记。蚪嗍侵剖さ姆ū,需要直奔要点。至关重要的是,必须用简单的几句话介绍自己的企业。采取幻灯片演示时尽量少用,多放图片,少用文字。我最喜欢的陈述方法是,曾有一位企业家先讲了一段感人的经历,谈到他的热情以及为什么想创建自己的公司。我立刻被他的设想打动了。然后,陈述自己的观念以后,还必须说明如何获得盈利。自己的经营模式为什么切实可行?市场上有哪些同样获得成功的例证?你必须向投资人说明如何能让他们的投资获得盈利。最后,务必留出时间让他们提问和评论。问投资人对你的设想有什么看法并接受任何批评和意见。结束时需要为后续工作创造机会。你可以问投资人应当提交哪些其他材料,或者可以建议下一周再次与他们联系以供垂询。总之,推出得体的经营方案难度很大,但如果你沉着冷静,思路清晰,投资人会相信你能获得成功。记。蹲嗜耸窃诟阃蹲,也是给你的设想投资。 教学过程:
Warm-up (news recapping) Preparation for interpreting business conferences (Various Types of Business Conferences; Words and Phrases)
Practice Review and homework
教学案例设计(6) 一、教学内容:“阿斯利康”新闻发布的口译练习 二、育人元素:通过译前和译中,掌握新闻发布的常见表达,积累商业并购的相关知识 三、翻译案例(原文及译文): 原文 Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen. I’m Steve Brown from the Zeneca Public Affairs Department. I’m here today to tell you a little bit more about the merger between Zeneca and the Swedish pharmaceuticals company Astra. So first of all, the boards of Astra and Zeneca have announced that there is to be an all-share merger of the two companies. The new company will be called AstraZeneca. I’ll begin by going through the rationale for the merger and listing some of its benefits. Then I’ll go on to give some details about the new board and talk about the financial effects of the merger. And finally, I’ll give a brief summary of the terms, including details about dividends and so on. The merger is a natural step for both partners as they both share the same science-based culture as well as a common vision concerning the future of the industry. The benefits of this move are many. To begin with, the merged group will have an enhanced ability to create long-term growth and increased value for its shareholders. Furthermore, it will be able to deliver the full potential of its existing and future products through the joint strength and worldwide presence of its global sales and marketing operations. In fact, based on the joint pharmaceutical sales for last year, the AstraZeneca group will be the 3rd largest pharmaceutical company in the world. The combined strength of the two R&D functions will also ensure an excellent basis for innovation-led growth. With a combined R&D spend of nearly $2bn, Astra Zeneca will be one of the largest R&D organizations in the world, which will mean that the company will also be of great interest to academic institutions and bio-tech companies seeking partners for their research programs. At a strategic level, management is hoping that the merger will create sizeable operational efficiencies by restructuring areas of duplication. It has been calculated that synergies resulting from the merger could lead to cost reductions of over a billion dollars within the next three years. Although this sounds like a somewhat optimistic figure, we are quite confident that it can be achieved through streamlining the workforce, particularly in areas like administration and a restructuring of the two sales operations. 译文 女士们,先生们,下午好 我是本公司公共关系部的斯蒂夫·布朗。今天我在这里要向各位通报一下我们捷利康公司和瑞典阿斯特拉制药公司合并的有关情况。 首先要告诉大家的是,这两家公司的董事会已正式宣布双方将进行全股合并。新公司将命名为阿斯利康制药有限公司。 我首先给大家通报一下合并的初衷并列举一些由此带来的利益。然后我再详细介绍一下新的童事会构成情况以及合并以后对财务方面的影响。最后,我再想给各位简要说明一些合同条款,包括利润分红等的有关细节。 本次合并对双方而言都是自然的发展步骤,因为双方享有相同的以科技为本的文化,并对本行业发展具有相同的理念。 这一举措带来的收益是很大的。首先,合并后的集团公司将实现强强联合,取得长期的增长,给股东创造更大的价值。而且通过联合双方在全球范围内的销售和市场营销运作的强势,可以充分挖掘现有及未来产品的潜力。 事实上,从制药两家公司去年的销售总额来看,阿斯利康集团公司将成为世界上第三大制药公司。 通过强强联合,双方的研发能力将大大加强,为创新性的增长提供坚实的基础。双方在研发方面的投资总额将达到20亿美元,从而成为全球最大的研发组织。这意味着合并后的公司将是诸多学术机构和生化公司寻求合作伙伴时的首选。 就战略而言,管理阶层希望合并能通过整合重复领域大大提高运营效率。据估算,在未来的三年中,合并将使成本削减达10亿美元以上。 尽管这个数字听起来有点过于乐观但是我们坚信,通过整合劳动力尤其是对像行政和销售部门的人员进行重组,这一目标是可以实现的。 四、教学过程: Warm-up (news recapping) Preparation for interpreting press conferences (Background information; Words and Phrases) Practice Review and homework
五、教学总结:通过每周课前预习,督促学生提前预习相关术语表达和背景知识,将其更好地与课堂口译技能练习结合起来。 教学案例设计(7) 一、教学内容:汽车新品推介的口译练习 二、育人元素:帮助学生了解到某个行业的发展趋势,增强时代意识 三、翻译案例(原文及译文): 原文 Good morning everybody. And welcome to the launch of our new L50, and to this presentation. In a way, launch is no longer the correct word. Many of you have already had a chance to get to know the new car in your test drive this morning. So, I will not dwell on the technical capabilities of this car. What I would like to do is to share with you the thoughts that have gone into developing this new model so that you’ll have a better idea of why it’s such an exciting car to drive. I will also talk a bit about what has been happening in our company--the direction we are heading, our strategy, and our ambitions. After that, I’ll talk about some of the major stages in our design and development of this model. After this presentation, we’ll have lunch, which is served in the main conference hall. Our chef has promised a few surprises. I’m as curious as you are about what these might be. But, back to the presentation. Our new L50 is the first in a family of new cars to be launched this year and in the next couple of years. It is the result of the most ambitious investment in our company’s history – 125 million pounds, in design and development, in production capabilities, in sales network and in our own people. The investment is based on our understanding of the market and our goal for the future. So what are they then? We want to sell 800,000 cars a year for the next 5 years. So far this year, we’ve already sold 560,000, and congratulations to those of you that have contributed to this success. This represents nearly 20% increase over the previous year at a time when the market has declined by nearly 10%. Much of the increased sales have come from the commitment and dedication of our dealers and our staff. Thank you and well done. The launch of this L50 will mark the beginning of a series of launches, giving us a full range of new cars, 3-door, 5-door, estate, diesel, and from 1 liter all the way up to our luxury 2 liter saloons. A convertible and a 4-wheel drive are also in the final design stage. With this new family, we’ll be able to compete robustly with any competitor in US, and will be able to take on the EU market too. But products alone are not enough. We’ve put substantial amount of money and effort into upgrading our retail operation, into our dealer network and into our own sales force. This is built on our in-depth knowledge of our customers, what they want and what they need. It is based on the strength of our brand. If you visit one of our re-branded showrooms, you’ll get a strong impression of our brand and what we stand for. We are taking market shares from our competitors. We are on target to take even more. That’s all I’d like to say at this stage. My colleagues will now take you through some of the highlights in the design and development. This is a short video we produced just before this launch. It is meant to answer some questions. What is the thinking behind this development? How do we translate concepts into a new model? How does our core value influence the thinking of people on the factory floor and in showrooms? Ladies and gentlemen, the new L50. 译文 早上好。欢迎参加L50的推出仪式,欢迎参加这场推介会。从某种意义上说,“推出”这个词已经不合适了。你们很多人今天早上在试车时,都已经对新车有了了解。所以,我不会喋喋不休地谈论这款车的技术性能。我是想与大家一起分享一下这款新车设计过程中的一些思路。这样你们就能更加清楚地知道,为什么这款车开起来是如此令人兴奋了。 我还要谈谈我们公司内的发展:我们的前进方向,我们的战略,我们的雄心。然后,我要谈谈这款新车设计与开发过程中的一些主要阶段。推介会之后,10我们吃午饭,午饭在大会厅内。我们的厨师跟我拍胸脯,说准备了一些你们想不到的东西。我和你们一样好奇,不知这些东西会是什么。好,继续我们的推介会。 我们的新款款L50只是个开端,今年以及今后一两年中,我们还将陆续推出一整个系列的新车。这是我们有史以来最大的一个投资项目的成果。我们把1.25亿英镑投资于设计和开发、生产能力、销售网络和我们的员工。投资的基础是我们对市场的了解,以及我们今年的目标。那么,这些目标是什么呢? 我们今后五年的销售目标是每年年80万辆车。今年到目前为止,我们已经销售了56万辆。:啬忝俏庀畛删退鞯墓毕。这个数字相当于比去年增加了将近20%。而同期市场下跌了将近10%。销售增长中的大部分来自于代销商和我们员工的全心投入和勤奋。感谢大家,干得真漂亮。 L50的推出标志着新车家族系列推出的开始。这将给我们带来全套新车,3门车、5门车、连箱车,柴油车、小到一公升、大到两公升的豪华车,应有尽有。敞篷车和四轮驱动车也已经进入设计的最后阶段。有了这个新车家族,我们就可以与任何美国厂家进行有力竞争,一比高低,而且可以进军欧洲市场。但是光有产品还不行。 我们还花费了大量的资金和力气,改进我们的零售业务、我们的代销商网络和我们的销售队伍。我们的起点是我们对顾客的深入了解:他们想要什么?他们需要什么?我们的基础是我们品牌的力量。如果你去参观一下我们重新布置的展厅,就会对我们的品牌和我们的价值观留下很深刻的印象。我们正在从竞争对手那里夺来市场份额。我们正在依照目标去夺得更多的市场份额。 我就讲到这里。我的同事们将向各位介绍一些设计和开发过程中的亮点。这是一部简短的录像,是这次推出仪式前刚刚录制的,旨在回答几个问题:这次开发背后的考虑是什么?如何把概念转化成新车型?我们的核心价值是如何影响工厂工人和销售员的?女士们、先生们,我们的新L50。 四、教学过程: Warm-up (news recapping) Preparation for interpreting new arrivals (Background information; Words and Phrases)
Practice Review and homework
教学案例设计(8) 一、教学内容:世界经济论坛上的访谈口译练习 二、育人元素:帮助学生了解机器变革给未来人类工作的影响,通过内容翻译和讨论,增强思辨意识 三、翻译案例(原文及译文): 原文 All right. It’s a big agenda, I need a couple of minutes. First of all, I want to start with a view that there are many studies of the effects of changing technology on the future of work. And they basically come to the same conclusion that Saadia mentioned in her surveys. These studies all come to the conclusion that there will be enough jobs. There will not be technological unemployment. The jobs will look different in many respects, that there will be significant disruption along the way. There will be sectors that decline and new sectors that arise. There will be a whole bunch of changes in occupation, so the occupations we can’t even name right now will come to exist. But a lot of occupations we now can name will disappear. Those kinds of dislocations and disruptions can take a long time. We’re not talking about two years or three years. We’re talking about decades. I want to say that the cost to the individual, to the community, to the firm, to the society… they are big costs involved in these disruptions. Therefore, one of the challenges to society is to figure out how to share those costs. As far as jobs of the future are concerned, you can be positive about the number. But I do think we all have to worry about the quality of the jobs, a good job. Because one of the things we know from technology so far is it’s been polarizing in the job market. It has taken out many middle-skill, middle-income occupations. It has created new, high-skill, high-income occupations, but a lot of people who had the middle skills have not been able to get those jobs and have slipped into the lower income jobs. So we have to worry about polarization. We have to worry about the declining middle-income jobs. What is going to be a middle-income job, if we are not going to have...And think about this from a developing society’s point of view. If we’re not gonna have the same phase of industrialization that brought the US through, that brought China through, massive industrialization, if that’s not going to occur because the industrialization can be done largely by machines, what jobs are there? So I think we have to think about the quality of jobs and, then to think about just where might future demand come from? One way to think about the jobs of the future is to say what are people going to want? What are they going to want? So demographics suggest that there’s a lot of wants that are gonna be demographically determined, the want for education, the want for child care, the want for health, the want for elderly care, a lot of these jobs exist right now, they’re not very good jobs. Sometimes they’re entirely unpaid jobs, they’re jobs in the home done by women, mostly who are not paid to do those jobs. So basically if demand is ganna come in those areas, what is gonna be the quality of the job? Are they gonna have benefits? Are they gonna have legal protections? What are we gonna do with the domestic worker, who is going to be a job of the future without the protections? The UN, by the way, has been working on this. 译文 这个话题比较大我,可能要几分钟,那首先呢,我们现在已经有大量的研究证明,未来我们还是有足够的工作去从事的。在未来科技并不会导致人类群体性的结构性的失业,当然这些工作肯定跟现在的工作不一样,另外呢,科技也会对我们的就业市场造成巨大的冲击,许多旧的行业会衰落,新的行业会崛起,现在现存的一些旧的职业会消失,现在压根儿还不存在的新的工作会出现。而且这样一个动荡。或者说转型阶段,并不是说两三年就可以完成的,它可能要历时几十年之久。这就会为我们无论是个人还是公司还是社会群体带来巨大的损失,所以说我们现在所共同面临的一个挑战,就是去思考我们该如何在社会范围内共同去承担,去面对这样一个问题(去实现一个平稳的过渡)。 在未来单纯去讲工作的数量,我们情况还是比较乐观的,但是,比起数量,其实工作的这个质量也是非常重要的,因为目前为止我们能看到技术实际上是让我们的工作越来越两极分化了,什么意思呢?就是在过去呢,有很多中等技能,中等收入的工作。獠糠止ぷ饔幸恍┮丫患际跛〈.那与此同时呢,技术确实也是创造出一些高等技能高等收入。但是那些因为科技而失业的中等技能的人,他现在没有能力去从事那些高技能工作,因此呢,他就只能被迫去找那些低技能的工作。同时也是低收入的工作。 所以这一点是我们需要格外重视的,那就是科技会导致工作的两极分化,同时呢,原本处在中间的那些人,他是只能下不能上的,而且我们现在还不像过去,但是在过去我们整个经济发展过程当中,工业化实际上是为美国,为中国。创造了大量的就业的,但是我们现在不一样,因为所有的工业化所带来的工作全都是机器能够胜任的,所以说在未来没有了工业化的这个红利,到底我们还能够创造什么样的工作呢? 所以我们需要去思考的未来工作的质量如何。另外,我想谈一谈在未来有哪些领域是格外缺人的,其实我们可以这样想,未来的人类会有一些怎样的需求?你这个人的需求其实更多的就取决于未来的人口组成了,那因为未来这个人口组成的,我们可以想见,在未来我们肯定是对于教育,对于医疗有很大需求的,同时呢,对于育儿养老肯定也是有很大需求的,那现在我们这部分需求。獠糠止ぷ饕彩谴嬖诘,但是这部分工作不能说是什么多好的工作。 大部分时候这些东西实际上都是在家庭内部,由女性来承担的,而且他们也没有办法得到相应的报酬,大部分时候都是一些免费劳动,所以说,在未来,随着这些领域,这些行业的需求越来越多,那我们现在这些家政工作,他能否变成一个更加正规的工作,他能否变成一个有更好待遇的,能够享受到福利以及法律保障的这样一个工作,这是我们现在需要去思考这个问题,这也是目前联合国正在努力的一个方向。 四、教学过程: Warm-up (news recapping) Preparation for interpreting business interviews (Background information; Words and Phrases) Practice Review and homework
五、教学总结:注意结合每个学生的口译表现,给出针对性的具体建议。 教学案例设计(9) 一、教学内容:倾销与反倾销的口译练习 二、育人元素:帮助学生了解到倾销与反倾销相关的国际贸易基本知识,在美国针对中国的反倾销制裁案例口译中,增强民族意识和爱国意识。 三、翻译案例(原文及译文): 原文 Many of the necessary ingredients for US production are imported. These intermediate goods help create final products and typically account for more than half of the value of all imports into the United States. That means of all the stuff Americans buy from abroad, more than half goes into products that Americans make. When low prices of these imports squeeze the profits of domestic suppliers, foreign competitors are often accused of “dumping” their products in US markets. Anti-dumping rules are supposed to protect domestic producers and domestic jobs from unscrupulous foreign competition. But access to these inputs at lower cost means lower prices for consumers. Anti-dumping rules raise prices for consumers and producers, shrink profits, and reduce the capacity of firms to invest, expand, and hire more workers. Consider Dow Corning. Dow Corning makes silicones, a crucial component of solar panels and a crucial component of silicones is silicon metal. But because of anti-dumping duties that prevent cheap imports, Dow Corning has to pay double the world price for silicon metal – all in the name of protecting domestic producers. For some reason, US anti-dumping rules prohibited administrators from considering the interests of downstream industries like Dow Corning, who would be most negatively affected by punitive trade rules. Dow Corning even tried to get its facilities in Kentucky declared a “foreign trade zone” so they could buy their inputs on the world market. That request was effectively denied. Consider also Spartan Light Metal Products, a small mid-western producer of engine parts. Spartan’s biggest customers were looking to reduce the weight of their vehicles to improve fuel efficiency, so Spartan shifted from producing aluminum parts to products made from lighter, more durable magnesium. Spartan was doing well in the U.S. and exporting to other countries. But in February 2004, an anti-dumping petition against imports of magnesium from China and Russia was filed by “the U.S. Industry”, which was comprised of just one producer-US. Magnesium Corporation of Utah. The price Spartan paid for magnesium more than tripled. Higher prices in the U.S. gave parts makers in Europe, China and elsewhere a huge advantage. American suppliers went out of business. Downstream producers shed thousands of jobs, five times more Jobs than even exist in the entire domestic magnesium producing industry. Adding insult to injury, both magnesium and silicon metal are among the nine minerals targeted by the United States in the World Trade Organization complaint against Chinese raw material export restrictions. That’s right. The official policy of the U.S. government is to oppose Chinese restrictions on silicon metal and magnesium exports while imposing its own anti-dumping restrictions on both raw materials from China. In the end, rules meant to protect American producers are actually nudging companies like Dow Corning to move operations offshore. That destroys jobs in the United States and makes the U.S. less attractive for investment. 译文 许多用于美国生产的必要原料都是进口的。这些中间产品有助于创造最终产品,通常占美国进口总额的一半以上。这意味着美国人从国外购买的所有商品中,有一半以上用于了生产其他产品。 当这些进口产品的低价挤压了国内供应商的利润时,国外的竞争对手就经常被指控在美国市场上“倾销”其产品。反倾销规则就是应该保护国内生产商和国内就业免受不道德的国外竞争的影响。 但以较低的成本进口这些产品,对消费者来说意味着价格更低。反倾销规则对于消费者和生产者而言则提高了价格,减少了利润并降低了公司投资、扩大和雇用更多员工的能力。 来看看道康宁公司的例子。道康宁公司生产有机硅,这是太阳能电池板的重要组成部分,有机硅的关键成分是金属硅。但是由于反倾销关税阻止了廉价的贸易进口,道康宁必须付出世界硅价的两倍,而这一切正是由于以保护国内生产商的名义做出的规定。 由于某些原因,美国的反倾销规则使得管理者无法考虑像道康宁(Dow Corning)这样的下游产业的利益,而它们受到惩罚性贸易规则的负面影响是最大的。道康宁公司甚至试图将其设在肯塔基州的工厂设立为“外贸区”,这样他们就可以在世界市场上进口他们所需的产品。该请求已被明确拒绝。 另一个例子是Spartan轻金属制品公司,这是一家小型的位于中西部的发动机零件生产商。因为Spartan最大的客户在致力于减轻车辆重量以提高燃油效率,所以Spartan从生产铝制零件转向了生产更轻更耐用的镁制品。 Spartan在美国经营良好,并出口产品到其他国家。但是在2004年2月,”美国工业”提出了针对从中国和俄罗斯进口镁的反倾销请愿书,而这所谓的”美国工业”的成员只有一个,就是美国犹他州的镁公司。于是Spartan购买镁的价格增加了两倍多。而美国的价格上涨则使欧洲、中国等地的零件制造商获得了巨大优势。 这样美国供应商倒闭了。下游生产商流失了数千个工作岗位,这是整个美国国内镁生产行业现有工作岗位的五倍。 更讽刺的是,镁和硅金属都属于美国向世界贸易组织(WTO)投诉中国限制出口的九种矿物质。是的,没错。美国政府的官方政策是反对中国限制金属硅和镁的出口,但同时也在实施针对来自中国的这两种原材料的反倾销制约。 最终,本应保护美国生产商的规定实际上迫使道康宁(Dow Corning)等公司将业务转移到海外。 这破坏了美国的就业,并降低了美国对投资的吸引力。 四、教学过程: Warm-up (news recapping) Preparation for interpreting (Background information; Words and Phrases)
Practice Review and homework
教学总结:在知识和技能讲解时,结合具体内容,更巧妙地融入爱国主义等思政元素,帮助学生树立正确价值观和世界观。 教学案例设计(10) 一、教学内容:国际货币基金组织和亚投行的口译练习 二、育人元素:帮助学生了解到两大国际金融组织的基本知识,特别是通过对亚投行的了解,增强制度自信和文化自信。 三、翻译案例(原文及译文): 译文 今天,我主要来介绍一下两大国际金融机构,即国际货币基金组织以及亚洲基础设施投资银行。 首先我谈一下国际货币基金组织。 国际货币基金组织是由189个国家组成的组织(国际货币基金组织由189个国家组成),致力于促进国际货币合作,确保金融稳定,推进国际贸易,促进高就业和可持续经济增长,以及减少世界范围内的贫困。 成立国际货币基金组织的构想于1944年6月在美国召开的联合国会议上首次提出。与会的44个国家想要打造经济合作的框架以避免竞争性货币贬值的出现,而早在20世纪30年代,正是竞争性货币贬值导致了经济大萧条的出现。 国际货币基金组织的根本使命在于确保国际货币体系的稳定。它通过三个途径来实现这一使命:追踪国际经济及成员国的经济状况;向国际收支有困难的国家发放贷款;为成员国提供切实可行的帮助。 接下来我简要介绍一下亚洲基础设施投资银行。 亚洲基础设施投资银行是由中国政府提议建立的一家国际金融机构。 有人认为亚投行是国际货币基金组织、世界银行以及亚洲开发银行的竞争对手,而这三个机构被视为由美国、欧盟及日本等发达国家所主导的。 亚投行将会是一个精简、廉洁及绿色的机构。精简,意味着它拥有一支小而高效的管理团队,配有高技能的员工。廉洁,它是一所有道德的机构,对腐败持零容忍态度。绿色,是指它是建立在对环境尊重基础上的机构。 亚投行将在治理、问责、财务、采购、环境及社会框架方面出台强有力的政策。亚投行,作为一所现代的知识型机构,将会关注亚洲基础设施和其他生产部门的发展,其中包括能源和动力、交通和通信、农村基础设施和农业发展,供水和卫生,环境保护以及城市发展和物流等方面。 四、教学过程: Warm-up (news recapping) Preparation for interpreting (Background information; Words and Phrases)
Practice Review and homework
教学总结:应进一步优化线上线下结合教学,不断整合更新教学资源,帮助学生做到课前自学、课中强化、课后反思。 |